Meet Mr. Michael Cheuk 認識醫師助理
Mr. Cheuk Chun Michael Ip, Traditional Chinese Medicine Assistant Practitioner
- Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing & International Business) at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
- Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, China
- A.C.H.E Hypnosis Certificate Holder in 2019
- With strong passion and interests in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
- Clinical interest and experience as follows:
- Gastroenterology, Mental Health, Insomnia, Hormone Health, and General Care.
Marketing Director of Echerbs x 中醫診療 TCM @Bristol in the UK, Traditional Chinese Medicine Assistant Practitioner and Project Executive of Cheuk Yu Andy Ip Chinese Medicine Clinic in Hong Kong.
He studied Marketing and International Business degree at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia for some years. Afterwards, he went back to Mainland China and studied Traditional Chinese Medicine and obtained his degree of bachelor of Chinese Medicine in Mainland China, meanwhile, he has currently been an Assistant TCM physicians and Project Executive at Cheuk Yu Andy Ip Chinese Medicine Clinic for 3+ years since the start of his Bachelor degree of TCM in China so as to gain more clinical experiences.
In addition to his personality, he is friendly and affectionate on writing to promote the TCM theory, Chinese philosophy on social media platform such as Instagram and Facebook and arranged some volunteer events in the local community. His current areas of research interests are Gastroenterology, Mental Health, Insomnia and Acupuncture in terms of Pain Management.